1. Academic Facilities:
In tune with the Academic policy of the College, Standard procedure for implementing the policy is evolved during the year. These procedures broadly cover Teaching, conducting classes, Assessment and Evaluation of students. a. Teaching Procedures: Institutional Academic plan is prepared and is inclusive of reviewing the syllabus, identifying the course outcomes, appropriate pedagogy for transaction of the curriculum and evaluation methodology, preparation of curriculum plan on the basis of identified hours required for Teaching, Learning and Evaluation. b. Conducting Classes: A well structured day-wise time table is evolved to fit every course offered across all programmes in the college. Attendance is marked for each course for each hour in registers as well as on integrated attendance management system. c. Assessment and evaluation of the student is made by conducting mid examinations either off line or online or both, Google class room and after appraising the learning levels and Remedial measures are decided by the concerned faculty. Student performance is made known to the Students. Procedures for conduct of tutorial, assignments, remedial classes, student seminars and student-staff disciplinary norms are clearly stated.
2. Support Facilities:
The overall growth of the student is ensured on the campus by establishing specific committees/cells and centers. The rolls, responsibilities and procedures for organizing activities at every cell is laid on a broad framework. Every Act of these support services is minuted in the respective registers.
3. Physical facilities:
Procedures for establishment and maintenance of these facilities are broadly spelt out in the Standard Operating Procedures document. The responsibility for identifying the need based equipment, maintenance is entrusted with the concerned head and specific procurement/maintenance committees are constituted to execute the purchase/maintain the facility as the case may be. The procedures also include the specific mechanisms for operating/ utilizing the equipment/facility.
a. Laboratories: Labs are maintained by lab assistants. The stocks and records of all laboratories are maintained by store keepers and record assistants under the supervision of department in charge and office superintendent. Department wise annual stock verification is done by committees constituted for the purpose. Calibration and modernization of equipment and updating wherever required are attended to by the professional agencies.
b. Library: As per the Policy Document, the Learning Resource Centre is managed by a Librarian assisted by 01 office subordinate. The library staff ensures best maintenance and utilization of Library infrastructure. •Periodic fumigation.
• Regular maintenance of reading room, reference section and equipment.
• Updated Stock entries and physical verification.
• Firewall protection to computers.
• Updating internet connectivity.
• Minor repairs/major repairs or replacements as per demand.
• Fire Extinguishers and Vacuum Cleaners.
c. Physical Education: Maintenance and utilization of Sports and games equipment, Indoor stadium Courts and Gymnasiums are looked after by the Physical Director with support from assistants. Provision is made from Special fee for periodic purchase of new equipment as per necessity.
d. Classrooms: Maintenance and utilization of Classrooms is entrusted to sergeant/proctors/in charges identified for the purpose. They are kept clean and ready for use.